Accommodations has a great selection of hotels, hostels, guesthouses, and other accommodation options all over the world. The site is user friendly and their app makes it easy to keep track of all your reservations. Use this link to make a reservation and you could receive a $25 reward from after your stay.
Momondo is a great search engine for flights, especially if you’re seeking the least expensive options out there. Its search results include even smaller budget airlines. I love that it breaks down results into “cheapest,” “quickest,” “best,” and “custom.” “Best” is usually what I am looking for with a good balance between flight time and cost.
Google flights is the obvious choice when it comes to researching flights. It is super fast and the Explore Map feature is fun to use to look for deals. The filters are helpful in finding what you are looking for and removing things like ridiculously long flights from the results.
Rome2rio is an online multimodal transportation search engine. It has been invaluable for figuring out how to get from point A to point B.
Vegan Resources
Happy Cow is an amazing online community and resource. It lists only vegetarian and vegan-friendly restaurants all over the world. Users contribute photos and reviews about the dining options listed on the website. The Happy Cow app is quite handy as well. I have been both a user and contributor to this site for years and it has been so helpful in finding some amazing restaurants.
V Cards: Vegan Abroad is a free app that will translate your vegan diet needs into over 100 languages. It is also available as a PDF file here. We usually just print a copy of the page with the language we need and carry it in our pocket. These cards have worked really well for us in places like Myanmar and Morocco where even vegetarian diets are not all that common.